So close to Czequestria and still so many things to say to all attendees!
While we are still waiting for final written approval from official places for some events, we would like to introduce the basic schedule of the whole 3 day events. The final weekend program will be released soon.
Other information can be found (sorted by topics) in the upper menu “Information“. In case of need, please let us know at info@czskbronies.cz or ask on Twitter @Czequestria or in the Facebook group CZ/SK bronies.
Friday (LARP event)
10:00 – Meeting time! The meeting point for LARP will be near the bus and tram station “Vypich” (see the map). The exact location will be released together with the rest of the LARP instructions and information.
10:15 – LARP begins
19:00 – LARP ends (most of the teams will finish the game sooner)
18:00 – Pre-party begins in Restaurant Petřín (see the map). It’s gonna be fun 🙂 just remember to be fresh for the con in the morning
Saturday (Czequestria – day 1)
10:00 – Venue doors open!
11:00 – Opening Ceremony starts and Czequestria officially begins
18:30 – Panels/workshops end – time for dinner and getting ready for the party
20:00 – Party begins!
24:00 – Saturday party ends and venue closing (for today)
Sunday (Czequestria – day 2)
10:00 – Program begins
16:30 – Workshops/gaming rooms close, Charity auction begins
17:30 – Closing Ceremony
18:00 – Venue closes, Czequestria ends