Vendor applications open – creativity bears fruit!

8. 5. 2024
Miss Libussa 2024 - info autumn

While G4 ponies are gradually disappearing from most stores, merchandise from all generations is still available at brony conventions. And that’s thanks to the vendors and the unceasing interest of fans in thematic items of all kinds – be it posters, buttons, or perhaps quickly sold-out hand-sewn plushies of all available sizes. Exhibitors also have their place here with the presentation of works of art and projects related to the brony community.

Do you want to enrich this Czequestria with the fruits of your creativity and show your aces up your sleeve?

Vendor and exhibitor applications are now open!

Czequestria tickets – blooming time is almost here!

26. 4. 2024
Miss Libussa 2024 - info spring

Have you also heard that some things don’t grow on trees? This is definitely not the case for tickets to this year’s Czequestria!

Spring is knocking on the door louder now, and on the biggest tree in Libussa’s garden, covered with new sprouts, the first blossoms are appearing. Some of them with strikingly large petals – will they grow into forbidden fruit? Who knows…

The opportunity not only to see the tree, but also to get one of the leaf tickets for this year’s Czequestria opens on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. on the Tickets page.

This tree in Libussa’s garden blooms and bears its fruit only once every two years, so don’t miss this opportunity!

The Volunteer team is looking for members – join us too!

11. 4. 2024
Miss Libussa 2024 - info spring

Nothing shows the community feel of con better than the organizers asking for help from the fans with running the entire event – no fan con could exist without volunteers and Czequestria is no exception. Whether you have experience from the past or you are trying volunteering for the first time, we are happy to have you on board!

As a member of the volunteer team, you will also receive free entry to the entire event (including the LARP), a unique Czequestria t-shirt, and our eternal gratitude for helping make the next Czequestria happen!

Information and application can be found on the page Join the staff (volunteers) team.

Program applications for Czequestria 2024 are open!

20. 2. 2024
Miss Libussa 2024 - info spring

Panelists, musicians, workshop leaders and everyone else who wants to come with their presentations, music and other activities: we look forward to see your ideas turning into reality at Czequestria!

The opportunity to hold a panel, organize a workshop, perform at a concert or organize an activity for visitors is again open to all interested parties – you can find detailed information on the application page.

>>> Program applications here <<<

The theme of Czequestria 2024 is all around us

23. 1. 2024
Miss Libussa - info

Czequestria is awakening!

The annual Winter Karaoke Party is behind us, spring gets closer step by step, so it’s time to think about the summertime before autumn comes again.

The theme of this year’s Czequestia is The Four Seasons

In all their diversity, spring, summer, autumn and winter come to Equestria just like they do to our world – in the same way and yet a little different each time.

Nature has countless surprises prepared for us, so let’s enjoy the nicest ones together at this year’s Czequestria!

Czequestria 2024 - banner with date (draft)
Czequestria 2024 – The Four Seasons
(art by Dyonys)