Czequestria 2019 – date and place

26. 9. 2018
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

For everyone who is eager to know more about next Czequestria and/or likes to plan ahead, we have good news:

Czequestria 2019 will take place on August 23-25, 2019

The venue will be again KD Krakov in Prague

Do not forget to mark the date in your calendar – we are looking forward to seeing you there!

Czequestria 2019 theme announced!

22. 8. 2018
Libuše 2019 - dark

Time is racing towards 2019 when the 4th Czequestria will take place. Nevertheless, planning and efforts to estimate what will come next have been an integral part of our daily routine for quite some time. Our lives are getting faster – thanks to the modern lifestyle, our past as well as civilizations are quickly getting buried under the overwhelming amount of new information.

How did our great civilizations, which disappeared in the course of history, used to look? What did their inhabitants look like, how did they live and what would the world of Equestria look like in their fantasies? Historians and archaeologists have tried to answer some of these questions for a long time… we will try to answer the last one:

The theme for Czequestria 2019 is the “Ancient World”!

If you wondered how ancient Rome, Egypt, or other great civilizations in the Equestria universe looked like and you want to experience a bit of their glorious past, come to Czequestria 2019! Together, we’ll travel to the ancient Equestrian times to experience their everyday life as we – and the ponies of the current Equestria – know it from various legends and stories.

Czequestria 2019 webpage design: WanderFox and Cwossie
Czequestria 2019 poster: Cwossie

See you at the next Czequestria or even sooner!

13. 2. 2018

To all who are waiting for the next Czequestria announcement: 2018 will be the year of planning, resting, and preparations for the organization team. So the next Czequestria will be held in late August 2019 in Prague (exact date will be published here on our webpage and also through our Twitter @Czequestria and Facebook CZ/SK bronies).

In the meantime… it would be a shame to wait for so long for the next meeting, right? So we are looking forward to seeing you at other brony meetups and conventions across Europe (and maybe even beyond it):

  • Hearth’s Warming Con (16. – 18. 2. 2018 – Haarlem, Netherlands)
  • GalaCon (28. – 29. 7. 2018 – Ludwigsburg, Germany)
  • BronyScot (2018, United Kingdom)
  • Winter Karaoke Party (14. – 15. 12. 2018 – Prague, Czech Republic)

And before Czequestria returns in 2019 the MLP panels & workshops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will not be omitted: the convention team will also be preparing MLP events at local multi-fandom cons:

See you all at Czequestria 2019!

Libussa will be back in 2019; art by Cwossie
Miss Libussa will be back!; art by Cwossie

Report from Czequestria 2017

18. 1. 2018

A short report from Czequestria 2017 made by EP!C TV, which was screened publicly at the 6th winter Karaoke Party in December, is now available on YouTube (and many other can be found here in the Photos & Videos section).

From the team of organizers of both events – thank you one more time! We hope you enjoyed both events and we are looking forward to seeing you at the meetups and conventions in the future!

Thank you! (2017)

31. 10. 2017
Czequestria 2017 - group photo; author: Michy
Group photo, Czequestria 2017; photo by: Michy

Czequestria 2017 – we join for the third time to fulfill the dream and make the common goal a real thing once again!

Two years ago, at the closing ceremony, we made a bold promise that Czequestria will return in two years. Some were disappointed, others did not believe it would actually happen. Because… how many conventions ended for good this way? After the organization started in 2013 and stormy years 2014 and 2015 it would be no surprise. Either way, the rest was more than needed. But the promise lasted, and so did the hope.

One thing is certain: much has changed in those two years. Some left, some joined and the world has also changed. But even if nothing stays the same for long, when it changes it doesn’t mean it’s gone (indeed). After two years, I’m happy to say that the rest was really refreshing and prepared us for this year’s events, which brought us a few surprises and definitely fall among the unforgettable ones.

Despite all the phrases, the most important thing is the easiest one to say:

Continue reading Thank you! (2017)