Mane Hall decoration – we got this together!

21. 8. 2019
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

Although we have many decorations for the whole venue, there is one special place that we reserve for our friends from other brony conventions, meetups, and groups in general 🙂

If you have a banner, flag, poster, or similar thing of your pony con, meetup, or group in general, bring it to Czequestria…

…and let’s decorate one wall in Mane Hall together, so everpony knows, who has arrived!

Rules and instructions

With the decorations please follow these rules:

  • decoration maximum size 1,8 x 1 m (if you have only bigger, please contact us in advance)
  • only MLP or brony related groups/events
  • only one decoration per event and group
  • in accordance with the general rules of Czequestria (ie family-friendly etc.)
  • for attaching to the wall please use adhesive rubber and paper tape only (the wall is made of flat and smooth lacquered wood) – no nails or staples! If you don’t have the paper tape, please ask the staff – we have spares.

In case of questions, please contact the organization team on the Czequestria Discord server or via e-mail

Documentary movie “Meeting with Miss Libussa” at Czequestria 2019

21. 8. 2019
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

You probably already know Miss Libussa – the pony mascot of Prague and Czequestria itself. But did you know that her character is a pony version of Duchess Libussa from the legend of the foundation of Prague? “I see a great city whose glory will touch the stars …”

Recently finished documentary film “Meeting with Libussa” (“Setkání s Libuší”) from Film & Sociology and Czech Television production directed by Táňa Marková, maps the mythological figure of Duchess Libussa, her place in Czech culture and the way the different groups of people perceive, interpret and sometimes even worship her.

And because bronies will also appear in the film, you will be able to watch this one-hour documentary at Czequestria on Sunday at 10:00 in a special performance (the official premiere will take place on September 10 at the Pilot Cinema in Prague)! Let’s see if you recognize the moment when bronies are going to appear there  😉

The director will honor us with her visit, so if you have any questions, she will be happy to answer them!

EDIT 2020: The film was aired on Czech Television and is now available to watch in the online CZTV archive (the part about bronies starts at 32:10).

Ashes of Equestria return and The Overmare Studios too!

18. 8. 2019
The Overmare Studios logo

We are pleased to welcome back our regular guests from The Overmare Studios!

Well known to all “Fallout: Equestria” fans and also to regular Czequestria attendees, The Overmare Studios team members AdamJ, Ansis, Hamish, and Robert come back to us with the latest news about the development of the computer game Ashes of Equestria (formerly named Fallout: Equestria, The Game). Don’t miss their panel on Saturday and be sure to check their table in the vendor area – they sure have something to show you!

You can find all the information about the game on their website

Ashes of Equestria banner
Find out more on the Guests page.

PlushieCon – for the first time at Czequestria

17. 8. 2019
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

Why should only bronies have a convention? PlushieCon is the convention of the plushies – a unique chance to see so many plushies gathered together!

You may have already heard about it or even seen it at other conventions such as GalaCon (where we had our 5th anniversary this year), Hearth’s Warming Con, or at other events. For you to enjoy the convention of the plushies and your MLP-related plushie(s) take part, PlushieCon comes to Czequestria this year for the very first time!

We may not reach the size of GalaCon, obviously – but a smaller PlushieCon is a nice thing, too, and still, you can see the whole range of all the different characters, sizes, both handmade and industrial-made. Little hint: Czequestria Guest of Honor, Elley-Ray, loves plushies 😉

For details and how your plushies can attend, see Program – PlushieCon page.

PlushieCon logo