Charity auction (2017)

info_libussa_transparentAs tradition dictates, Czequestria 2017 – like almost every brony convention  – will feature a charity auction! This year, we will be supporting a more equine cause – Hippotherapy, which is a form of Equine-assisted therapy. Close contact with the animals positively affects the patient’s motor skills, coordination, and balance. Haven’t you ever thought hugging equines could be magical?

It’s going to be a show! The famous Perry has agreed to play the role of the announcer, and we’ll eat our hat if it’s not going to rock! Go, Perry!

Which items to donate?

Any pony-related item which is in some way exceptional. For example, handmade, customized, or collectible items that are not widely available in shops. It doesn’t need to be a state-of-the-art statue of Discord nor Larson’s slippers; any interesting items are welcome, regardless of the level of their epicness.

How to donate an item?

Send us an email to, and please include the following information:

  • your nickname (or full name)
  • few pictures of the item
  • How and when you can deliver the item. It seems most practical to bring it with you to Czequestria. To ease the organization though, please inform us in advance that you’ll be bringing the item, if possible.
  • If it’s okay to tell the audience who donated the item (by referring to your nickname or full name)

Any highlights you can provide regarding the item are very welcome! It will help your item to catch others’ interest.

Is there a deadline for an item donation?

We would like to prepare everything sooner than the day before the event, so please try to let us know until August 15, 2017. After this deadline, you can donate an item, but the queue for items might be already full (also we will all be crazy about the preparations).

Which organization are we going to support?

Items donated to the charity auction will help raise funds for Chewal association, a qualified organization providing hippotherapy near Bystřice, Czech Republic.

This time, unlike the past years, Bronies for Good is not involved with the convention or the auction. Instead, Bronies for Good has sent an emissary to support the group’s “Effective altruism” with their charity table at the convention.

Thank you for supporting our charity auction!