Suggestions and wishes – who would you like to see at Czequestria?

10. 6. 2021
Miss Libussa 2022 - Sun info

Brony fandom is certainly driven by a large portion of creativity: artists of all kinds, technicians, entertainers… amazing creators, their projects, activities, and other works inspired by MLP. Wouldn’t it be great to get to know more of them and see the outcomes of their creativity in person at the convention? Yes, we also think it’s a great idea :).

So if you have any wishes or tips for any community activity, project, or artist that you would like to see at the next Czequestria, please let us know in the form below!

Oh and… if you are one of these creators or run a community activity and you would like to present it at Czequestria, do not hesitate and send us your info as well ;).

We look forward to reading your suggestions and wishes! Empty spaces in the schedule of Czequestria (including concerts) are already eager to be filled with the thematic MLP program.

Planning the summer already? We have something for you!

2. 6. 2021
Miss Libussa 2022 - Moon info

The situation is slowly beginning to change for the better, and like most of you, we are making more serious plans for the summer. And even though we are not out of this mess yet, we want to share something important with you:

If Czequestria takes place this year, it will be the last Friday + weekend in August!
(27–29th August 2021)

We still believe that we will meet together in person at Czequestria this year, maybe in smaller numbers and with a program adapted to the current situation. We look forward to seeing you all!

Czequestria 202X – an introduction & answers from the team

10. 2. 2021
Miss Libussa 2022 - Sun info

Sometimes it feels there is nothing more to look forward to and that pony meetups are all in the past. However, our team has not given up yet, and despite everything, we’re still out there working. The atmosphere of big events is something we are all missing and want to experience again. So far, we can promise you one thing for sure:

We are planning Czequestria 202X and the theme will be “Sun vs. Moon”!

Last time we traveled through time, now we’re thinking space! You can look forward to an event filled with contrasts. Will you side with the light or the darkness? Or do we need a bit of both to restore the balance? We’re already excited to see your takes on the theme in costumes, art, and anything else you choose to bring to the event. Remember, the sky’s the limit!

Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic emblems; art by Emkay
Will you join the noble Solar Empire or the forces of the New Lunar Republic? Choose wisely!
(author of the emblems is Emkay; used with the consent of the author)

Anyway, what is the deal with the strange “202X” name? What’s the future like for Czequestria? So the story goes like this…

What’s the situation like with our crew and the con itself?
The team has grown by 4 more members and there seems to be no stopping us now! We’ve not spent last year resting on our “laurels” but actually the opposite: 8th Winter Karaoke Party (2nd largest CZ/SK brony event after Czequestria) has taken place, although online for the very first time, with great help from the new crew members!

When and where will the next Czequestria take place?
We are aiming for the last or before-the-last August weekend (as usual – Friday till Sunday), so the usual spot like in previous years. We are not looking to move Czequestria to any other term at the moment.

However, due to the current pandemic situation, we cannot guess if it will happen this or next year. And although the chances for this year’s Czequestria are slowly diminishing we are not giving up on it and are working as if it would happen nonetheless – worst case we will reuse all the work for the following year. The final decision on when Czequestria will take place will be broadcasted in due time based on the overall situation.

As for the “where”? Well, that one is easy, in Prague of course!

Are there any plans to change the concept of the Czequestria compared to the previous years?
Nooope (thanks, Big Mac). The next Czequestria will be in the same shape and sound as 2019 one.

Soo… when will you open registrations for staff, contributors, musicians, and vendors?
That depends on whether the Czequestria will take place this or the next year. Hence the “X” in the title – until the variable “X” is not known we can’t disclose or launch anything. So watch any (or all) of our social media channels to catch that information as soon as possible!

Are you seeking financial or any other help due to the situation?
Thanks for the offer! But we are good in both ways – financially thanks to our reserve (planned exactly for purposes such as this) as well as staff-wise thanks to the new joinees. Nonetheless, if you wish to support us we do have a transparent donation account (IBAN: CZ9720100000002000534394; BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX) through which you can help us to cover the costs of running the organization. 

LARP 2019 reveals its secrets!

10. 8. 2019
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

Fillies and Gentlecolts! Long-awaited information about LARP has been released. Enjoy the city of Prague in a game that will bring you to the world of My Little Pony!

For details, please check, the LARP section in the upper Program menu.

Czequestria 2019 – date and place

26. 9. 2018
Miss Libussa 2019 - info

For everyone who is eager to know more about next Czequestria and/or likes to plan ahead, we have good news:

Czequestria 2019 will take place on August 23-25, 2019

The venue will be again KD Krakov in Prague

Do not forget to mark the date in your calendar – we are looking forward to seeing you there!